Just realised that I've abandoned my blog for almost 1 month. Since the most 38 person in Perth and also Terengganu aka Wanshing Tang keep on ask me to update my blog. Finally, here is it. =D
It was Chap Goh Meh last Sunday and there was a demonstration in Kampong Tiong.
Suddenly, someone called me. I was shocked when i turn around to see YB Toh Chin Ywa. He told me to take pictures in front of the temple.
I later told my dad about the incident and he said that YB must have mistakenly thought that i was a reporter. =.="
It was the performance of Gendang Besar from SMKCHWS.
Esther Kam's favourite was giving speech! xD
Performance of Pancaragam Swadaya.
Times flies, 15 days of Chinese New Year passed and we are (sixth form) proceeding to University which will be a total new stage in life! =)