Sunday, April 11, 2010


Hi folks! Im back! A few days ago, i was doing part-time work in PIKOM PC FAIR with KarChun Koo, YiChing Low, Jaces Hon aka Banana Hon and my supervisor-Sham. And well, i'll let the pictures do the talking.

YiChing and Choon

Celcome Broadband

Maxis Broadband


You people may ask, what's the scope of the work? Ok,let me tell you now. We're hanging around and supervised all the booths. The staffs can only disseminated their products within 10 feet from their booth. Overall, we seemed like the security of the PIKOM PC FAIR. Apart from this, our works also included calculating the number of people. One of us, have to sit beside the entrance and started to calculate the number of people by using the ticker. We just tick tock... tick tock... from 11am until 10pm. Can you imagine? Well, it's boring but i like it! Hahaha!!

Now, let me tell you more about my supervisor-Sham. He's indian guy actually. When i first saw him, i felt like wanna introduce him to Jacinta Yoo (Jacinta likes indian lots) Hahaha! However, this is not the point. What i want to say is, He's sneaky!! When he said 'Ok, im going to tangkap ular' meant that he's going to 'do something' at the back. WTH!! And, some conversation wanna share with you'll.

Sham: KT is so boring.. No pub! No club! No karaoke..
Choon: Got pub lar.. But it's quite far from your hotel.
Sham: Ya ar?
Choon: No club, No club, No karaoke and.... NO EVEN CINEMA!!
Sham: Come on lar bro! Are you kidding?
Choon: Yalar! What for i bluff you?
Sham: Are u serious?!
Choon: Yalar!!
Sham: No wonder lar!! The rate of illegal copy keeps on increase nowadays.

From now on, I HATE KASPERSKY! I HATE THE FELLOW NAME ROBERT!! You know why?! He's just the supervisor for the Kaspersky, i guess. And he can complaint everything even a DUST! Take an example, the TTC hall closed at 10pm sharply. By law, customers were not allowed to go into the hall at 9pm. But, around 845pm, many people rushed to the hall and we already tried to block them but failed. At the same time, Robert came and said that 'You'll cant do that! Now is the prime time! You all suppose to let the public come in! If this continue, we can't continue to do business! At the end, we were forced to delay the time to 930pm. After settle everything, we backed at 11pm.

Again, he made another complaint about the entrance on the next day. Well, let me explain this to you. The
Kaspersky's boost was set at the back. And the entrance located at the other side. Maybe his poor business caused him to say this, 'How come there is only one entrance? You'll suppose to open the door behind there!' Again, we were forced to open the door behind. Next, he also complained about the air-cond. But he did every complaint, we just passed it to the supervisor-Sham! Hahhaa!! xD

Oh ya! Something appear in my mind! In my last day on work, some people vomited in front of the TOSHIBA's booth. One of the staff came along me and asked me to get the help from cleaner. It was already 8pm. And i told the staff that all the cleaners already went back. You know what did he replied? He said 'you'll try to think another way lar..' I felt like wanna refute that 'Why don't you think another way by yourselves then u let me know?' Bodoh betol lar...

And here are the last 2 pictures that we taken before we leaved. =)

Owoh, banana! Dah terbalek lar....

In the end, i hope we have opportunities for cooperation next time! =)