Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Time Flies...

光阴似箭, 日月如梭. 这句话真的很适合形容现在的我们. 以前的我会觉得17岁离我很遥远, 21岁离我很遥远, 上大学很遥远, 大学毕业更是遥远. 殊不知, 时间一晃, 现在的我已经23岁了! 在过一年就大学毕业了! 还记得刚小六毕业时, 我很害怕会在中学时期交道损友. 果然我真的在中学时期交了不是很损的损友. 很怀念那一年的我们, 一起笑, 一起顶老师的嘴, 一起疯, 一起翘客, 一起约好明天不来上课的日子.

小学时期, 印象最深刻是在小二时, 由于我的马来文和英文很烂所以都回被补习老师看不起或不被看好. 那我也只好认命因为我的巫, 英文真的不好. 打从小学开始, 甚至到了大学, 个人觉得老师都会特别宠爱那些成绩开出红盘的学生. 说什么"学习态度胜过一切" 都是屁话废话. 可是我倒相信"山水有相逢"这话.

到了小四, 还记得第一天上课的我倍感压力简直不敢说话因为全校最可怕, 最凶狠的老师即将成为我的班主任. 在老师还未到我赶紧找个相识的朋友然后坐在她隔壁想说大家有个照应嘛. 可是到了最后我还是被安排坐到中间那一排而且隔壁是个我不认识的丑八怪新同学. 打从第一天上课起, 我就发誓我明年一定不会再这班了我一定会上蓝班的!

到了小五和小六, 我还是留在同一班面对着同一个班主任. 到了小六我还是个, 还称的上是乖巧的学生. 可是到了中学时期, 乖巧二字在也跟我扯不上边了. 心里已困很久的恶魔终于破蛹而出了! 虽说中学时期的我不再乖巧但还不至于会在课堂上闹事. 开始说些黄色笑话, 与朋友一起说些没头没脑的话, 更与老师说些无厘头的话!

我很认同 "面具带久了就会变成自己的样子了" 这句话. 我在大学里认识了很多来自四面八方的朋友, 调对了就变成了好朋友. 大学里, 我学会了看人的脸色, 学会了带着不同的面具识人, 学会了不在用爽朗的性格识人和说话, 学会了对不同的人说不同的话. 学会的当然不只这些, 还有很多很多. 除此之外, 在大学里也让我看透了人'心' 的丑陋.

每当你有一些些的‘养分’时有些人渣同学就会很乐意的当你的‘寄生虫’. 那当你的养分被消耗完后‘寄生虫’们就会翻脸不认人了! 所以我学会了自私! 小学时期, 我总是抱着很开心, 很兴奋的心情上道德课. 打从我们从娘胎出生, 父母就给与我们教导, 教我们如何对待对待朋友. 而大学教了我如何自私自利因为只有你自己不会加害于你自己.

大学生活即将进入尾声了. 即将踏出社会的我又会看到怎样的世界? 未来的我有会变成怎样? 天晓得.

Sunday, April 28, 2013


I just realised that I have been abandoning my blog for more than 1 years. Thanks to KaiLyn and CyDou reminded me the username and password of my blogger.com. Ok! What to update?! First of all I gonna talk about my 6 months internship life in Puchong. I could clearly flashback the first day when I stepped into DK-QS. My friends and I reached office at 9.00am on dot. 4 of us were asked to sit in the meeting room while waiting for the Senior QS. 

Fast forward, I was led by a Senior QS (Teck Yong). First of all, he looks fierce as shown in the photo below and I dare not to question him anything about the task he distributed to me. I used almost 3 days to complete the task and within the 3 days he kept on asking me about the progress and...I was stress Teck Yong! But few months later, I feel more comfortable to talk to him and till now I still prefer to work under him. 

Again, on the 6 months of internship, even it tortured us loads but conversely we were creating a strong bonding with some colleagues. We actually went for movie in Puchong IOI every Friday night. Now, we have a group in FB and every activities we could discuss there and soon we gonna watch Ironman 3! Happy days are always short-lived. Unfortunately, 2 of them decided to leave DK-QS very soon and they decided to move back and work in hometown and the day after Ironman 3, we gonna organize a farewell party with them. 

I actually did learnt very much during internship which I appreciate the most. At least I went to site progress meeting, site valuation, open tender and etc. All the colleagues are kind and willing to teach. I truly want to say thank you to Ms.G and due to her laziness, we as a trainee we could learn a lots! To be honest, I will definitely not going to work after my graduation because the work loads are not tally with the income you get.

Year 3 Semester 2 started on Jan and the subjects are much tougher as compared to previous semester. From next semester onward, we gonna work out for our dissertation and luckily I already grabbed a supervisor. I actually proposed him 2 titles and both were rejected. 

The 1st title was about Handicapped Facilities in Universities and he commented that I will face difficulty during collecting data stage. While the 2nd title was about Fire Assessment on Heritage Buildings. Perhaps I should write down the conversation I had with him. 

Le supervisor: Why u want to do historic things? Why donch u do something related to ur 
Le me: Sir! I have no idea already larh~ Or maybe I do a title regards to waste materials or delays.
Le supervisor: Don't do such title arh. If u do such title. I give u max. grade B only. Do u approach to other lecturers?
 *Hmm.. He must be disgusted with me*
Le me: No. Sir.
Le supervisor: My brain stuck already larh. Now u still want me to think about the title.
 *5 minutes later*
Le supervisor: Perhaps u can study why Malaysians are not interesting in construction field? Maybe after the research you get the solution like the environmental causes Malaysians do not want to participate themselves in construction field.
Le me: Har?! So easy arh? Labour issues arh?
Le supervisor: Easy?! Ok. Temme what do u think?
Le me: *very confident* I think it's about the wages lorh~ construction very dirty lorh~
Le supervisor: YOU THINK! Prove?
Le me: Ok Sir. I'll think about it.

After all, I backed to DK-QS just to seek some advices from my Project Executive-Ms.Lilian and she said the title sounds not bad and it is actually an issue in construction field but she suggested me to focus more on Skilled Labours which is more challenging and so I decided to combine the 2 ideas.

Next, I done loads of research and came out a draft proposal and I approached to the supervisor 2 days later. I did not showed him the draft proposal but I suggested my title verbally which included all my problem statements and final outcome. And he said "Ok! Acceptable." I was like "pppuuufff~"